Thursday, August 6, 2009

Because the diets don't work

The diets to lose weight that you/they don't work, to pass hunger without losing kilos, this it is the repeated history, a diet ends to lose weight and you begins another that will also finish in failure.
One can think that the diets don't serve or that perhaps it is impossible to lose weight without caring the efforts that are made.
This is not this way, what happens in most of the cases is that he/she eats up bad, it is not necessary to pass hunger, it is only necessary to keep in mind certain details.

In paraellas we will give you 10 keys to either lose weight that you are making a special diet or simply want to continue eating as always.

The 10 keys to lose weight

Nail 1 to lose I weigh you Never stop to eat, the organism needs food to complete its functions, to stop to eat doesn't only lose weight sick.

Nail 2 to lose weight he/she Carries out 4 foods a day, a breakfast, a lunch, a snack and a dinner, you should keep in mind that the dinner will be since the lightest food after ingesting it you won't burn calories.

Nail 3 to lose weight you Surely know that you should avoid the fats and you avoid them not eating meat with fat, shortening or the skin of the chicken, but perhaps you don't take into account that a cake portion, a cake, or an ice cream can contain much fattier than the meat.
Therefore to eliminate all the pastry shop products, bizcochería, desserts and ice creams during the diet.

Nail 4 to lose weight Many people they only eat salads during several days to avoid the fats and to lose weight in quick form, but to eat salads doesn't mean that calories are not ingesting, the size of the plate should be normal and they should not go decorated with salt, mayonnaises or another type of sauces, only lemon and olive oil.
It is also necessary to keep in mind the ingredients of that salad, the big quantities of potatoes, rice, eggs, mushrooms, avocados, etc, they will add more calories than a meat piece.
When they waste away fruits they should also be kept for example in mind the calories that contribute, a banana he/she can have 60 calories, a pear 70 and an orange 60, to also eat fruits in excess supreme calories although they don't contain fat.

Nail 5 to lose I weigh you will Always have heard that the bread puts on weight, if you are trying to lose weight you don't eat bread, he/she eats cookies, something like that will have told you, it is an error.
The bread will satiate more the appetite, the cookies have more concentration of flour and fatty trans, they not only fatten you but rather you are with hunger.

Nail 6 to lose I weigh you will Also have heard that to lose weight the best thing it is to eat many times a day that if he/she gives you hunger you eat bars of cereals, apples, carrots, yogurt, etc.
Another error, you eat little during the main foods, you keep hunger and then raisins the whole day eating, he/she eats at the established hours until your appetite is satiate and you will no longer have necessity eating to always be.

Nail 7 to lose weight to Eat homemade food, the foods of restaurants, places of quick food or to take they use big quantities of fat and oils that which you can avoid cooking your own food.

Nail 8 to lose weight it Consumes a lot of fiber, the foods that contain fiber drag the fat outside of the organism, of anything it serves to pass hunger if you don't expel the fat of the body.

Nail 9 to lose weight he/she Drinks water, it avoids all type of gassy and artificial juices, you won't lose weight depriving you of the food but taking sodas.
Two liters of water per day help you to oxygenate the organism, to burn fat, they remove you the sensation of hunger and they moisturize the skin, more benefits impossible.

Nail 10 to lose weight he/she Walks one hour per day, it is necesaro to burn calories so that they don't accumulate in form of fat, if you want to lose weight you have to look for yourself the time to walk, it considers that you can lose weight without passing anything of hunger following these simple advice.

San Valentine's day

February 14 are celebrated San Valentine's day, it is also known since as the lovers' day it is one day dedicated to the love.
The couples of boyfriends not only celebrate San Valentine but also the married ones and the friends, it is also a good opportunity to declare the love to somebody taking advantage that it is a very special day.
It is habit that the day of the lovers gifts are given, the normal thing is to give flowers, chocolates or cards with sentences of love, but original or significant gifts can also be made especially for each couple.

When he/she comes closer the date all they are thinking that to give to the couple as demonstration of love, if you are looking for some ideas for gifts we will offer some that can be good to give San Valentine's day or any other day of the year like birthday or anniversaries.

Cheap gifts

It is not always had the enough money to give what is wanted and it is necessary to use the genius to buy cheap gifts, that doesn't mean that because they don't cost a lot of money they don't have value, so much stops who he/she gives it like it stops who receives it, we give you some examples:

* To give flowers can be expensive but to give a red rose is not it, the day of the lovers is the day of the love and that flower symbolizes the passion.

* To give a card, it is a cheap gift, but if you write in her all that you feel for the other person it can be a very valuable gift for who receives it.

* To give peluches is very common, they are inside the cheap gifts, but accompanied with a card that he/she says how much you love the other person he/she becomes something very appreciated.

* Inside the cheap gifts nothing else appreciated that something fact with your own hands, an idea is to cover some old mark with leather remains or cloth and inside of placing a picture of both inside.

* To write your own poem of love, it can be a cheap gift but it requires a certain talent, anyway nobody will notice if it leaves of him it is copied of some famous poem, the important thing is that him of the personal touch with your own words.

* Cheap gifts are also the crafts, bracelets, rings, hanging, cost very little, they are amusing and they should always take obviously the card with the sentence of love.

* In the day of the lovers he/she can also give himself a cd with special songs as those that listened when they met each other or that in some way the letters are representative of their feelings.

Original gifts for the lovers

* Many couples choose that day to give rings, but not any ring, but that of commitment like way of demonstrating the seriousness of that love.

* If you have money you can give a digital portaretratos with the best pictures in both.

* To give perfume, it cannot be very original but if the perfume is of a grateful mark, for sure it will be much more valued that the classic box of chocolates.

* To give a wireless telephone that is exclusive to communicate among the couple is an original gift that can be very expensive or of under price, according to the purchasing power of each who.

* To give clock can be since a significant gift it symbolizes the time that takes that love and everybody who will come in the future.

* To buy cheap gifts, original gifts, amusing gifts will depend on the pocket and the genius of each one the important thing it is that San Valentine's day is not any lover without receiving its gift and especially the sentences of love that accompany him.

The women prefer chocolates before sex

A study revealed that more than half of the women they prefer to eat chocolate to have sexual relationships. According to the portal, one of those that participated in the investigation assured that “the chocolate doesn't never defraud.”
As long as, almost half of the men they coincided in that the chocolate is one of the best options to give to its couples. I suppose that now they will think it better!
Besides being a natural antidepressant, now also he/she has been discovered that the chocolate is also good for the heart: the anti-rust properties of the chocolate and their effect modulator of certain substances contribute to the decrease of the thromboses, delay of the process ateroesclerótico and it improves of the heart functions.

Council for not boring your couple

When a couple is beginning a relationship everything you/he/she is presented wonderful but once you/he/she passes the initial enamoramiento and the relationship leaves securing it is when they become visible certain differences and some defects that you/they had not seen each other before.
The advice for not boring your couple can apply them during a lifetime since will be you very useful if you want that that relationship lasts.

* The whole time be not above, give him their space and tómate yours, if somebody is drowned he/she will surely come unfastened to be able to breathe.
Also if you are pending of their things you insinuate him that you don't have own interests and that takes off merits before their eyes.

* You are not highlighting their defects continually and neither you are happened to nag him in public and less still in front of their family or friends.
That type of attitudes causes humiliation and they finish generating bitterness, if you have something to reproach him that it is when they are alone.

* Be not a phone nightmare calling it or sending him messages the whole time, it will seem that you suffer of some compulsive obsessive dysfunction and far from being him pleasant it will be a torture of which will want to escape despavorido.

* You are not guarding it with all woman he/she appears, it is not only an annoyance but rather you will also be demonstrating that you feel inferior to those girls since are afraid that leaves you for them.

* You don't prohibit him him to practice or look at the sports that he likes, that it is one of the worst things that you could make, on the contrary, he/she fakes that you like you will be able to this way to accompany him and sharing their likes it will bring near them more.

* Don't force him to make things that he doesn't like as to go of stores or to visit relatives, at some time it is well but don't abuse.

* Don't insist with which you of continuous tests of love and make romantic things, he/she can that at some time you have been appeared with a flower, perhaps he/she bought you something delicate, but until there it arrived, don't wait much more.

* We wait that these advice for not boring your couple give you result, we have some more than we will publish them later on and if you have other you can send it in the comments to share them with who needs them.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

the woman's intimate

the woman's intimate health a very important factor in the daily life, since of her it depends their presence and trust. In accordance with the experts in the topic, a woman should be protected daily of agents that can affect her intimate health as they are it virus or bacterias.

The intimate hygiene is the implementation of techniques that each woman should put into practice to counteract the factors that can exercise noxious effects in the sexual organs. In summary, it is the toilet, cleaning and care I specify of this part of the body; their main objective is the one of preserving the reproductive sexual health, that is to say, to avoid infections that to short or I release term they can put in risk the good operation of the vaginal area. Each woman should be the responsible one of putting attention in the cleaning of her intimate area, since in occasions the daily bathroom is not enough to maintain under good conditions the genital.

The nature of the woman's body requires bigger attention and cleaning, specially later the menstrual cycle, of suffering of vaginal, intense secretions or, after the use of gels or birth-control creams. It is important to ask to the gynecologist on the best alternatives to acquire a routine of intimate hygiene adapted to your lifestyle. In general, the women don't give importance to the small intimate infections, because they consider them “normal” and they even think that they are fleeting, but in fact most of the times become a threat when they are not assisted on time with a doctor.

The specialists recommend you to be very observadora with your body, since is changes that take place, and to the smallest suspicion that you suffer some alteration, you should visit immediately to the gynecologist who will know which the best form is of acting and of prescribing you.

Some signs that they indicate that you have an infection vaginal son:comezón in the genital area, constant flow of different color and bad scent.

To avoid the vaginal infections you put attention to the following advice of the experts.


During the bathroom they should separate with the fingers, the lips bigger than the vulva and later on to clean the genital that are to the overdraft.

The cleaning of the genital should be carried out with enough it dilutes using a shampoo hipoalergénico of sour ph that contains lactic acid that he/she helps to moisturize and to maintain the balance of the intimate area.


• Evita the use of bar soaps since has an alkaline ph.

• Uses underwear and of complete preference, since the very adjusted one and of synthetic cloth he/she doesn't allow to breathe your skin.

• Changes the underwear every time that you sit down it humid and he/she always chooses cotton garments.

• doesn't carry out skillful vaginal unless they are prewritten by the doctor.

• When cleaning the intimate area in another moment that is not the bathroom, make it of ahead back.

• When taking a bath doesn't use sponges or gloves.

• constantly Changes the feminine towel when you have your period.


Britney in their tour Circus

You will say. But I won't stay quiet. Although in the bottom the support and I would really like that it arrived to the same point in the summit again, I cannot hold back the desires of commenting their outfits in their current one Circus it rotates. For where to begin if anything is not redeemable? Circus look (infaltable, of course), babydolls, linen, bodies, fittings, feathers, brilliant, transparencies, golden, silver..... is everything, that.... what did he have left on the outside? It is clear that it could not take something too discreet neither puritan, but I find that these looks too much sexies doesn't favor him neither to the figure that shines for these days neither to contribute to the improvement of their image before the public.

Heidi Klum takes off the clothes again

This is we bad accustoming, because it already takes several recent publications in those that he/she appears with little or anything of clothes. This time has been to appear as cover in the edition of March of the magazine German GQ. If, we know that it is 99 probable% that the images are altered with Photoshop, but we don't care it, because we have seen it of many other ways and we can give faith of their physical state after thirty and so many and three children. Thanks to Heidi and we look forward to new images.

Scarfs with animal print

Scarfs with animal print
Like us or not the public behavior of at least two of these three women (Of izq to right: Siena Miller, Kate Moss and Mary-Kate Olsen), as for the fashion he/she refers, many times they are right and they mark tendency.

But good, let us say that they are not the animal prints in general, but the Leopard prints, those that are in voga for all sides.

Although in this country it supposes us a small dilemma, for the unavoidable mental relationship that we make in Colombia between the animal print and the wolves, these three show us how to take them with style and without seeking to be an errant animal.

Conclusion: If to the animal prints, leopard prints or what is, but in their measure, a single garment animal at the same time, is more than enough.

Rock Princess By: Vera Wang

“One of Vera's princesses Wang, the more rockera and uncomplicated of all. It would be able to change their tiara for a guitar and to leave to a concert of Rock the day of their grade.”

Rock Princess (Peach, Raspberry, Bergamot, Heliotrope, Jasmine, Iris, Wood of Cachemir Musk, Iris, Coconut), it is a fragrance between subtle and energetic with something of romantic and extroverted; It aims an independent woman, interested in the music, in the night that he/she also wants to get the attention a little.

A purchase that is worthwhile since, besides its container in form of black heart with silver letters brings a crown and a ring that you can use as accessory.

A chancy fragrance but sweetly seductora.

tips for her

Now we will tell you that you sew to make and that to avoid so that the romantic night he/she doesn't throw to lose. With the men it is always necessary to have patience but when he/she enters in the atmosphere the night it can be wonderful, whenever there is love among the couple.

* It intrigues, to the men them facina the intrigue games. You can prepare the circumstances of the encounter so that the one is intrigued and not you of bill of what you have him prepared.
* To take initiative, although many men prefer to be the dominant of the situations, if you take the initiative in the conversation and in all that concerns to that romantic night you will dismantle to the “hombrezote” and once vulnerable you will be able to discover many surprises in him.
* Patience, to the any man will displease him a little (although he doesn't say it) to leave the routine thing. With the time they are a machine that is programmed and they are mad a little when some things are changed, but at the end they adapt if the new thing is better, compared with the routine that you/they take.
* Subtlety, something that goes mad to the man is the subtlety with which a woman makes him notice that you/he/she is interested in him (still when I/you/he/she is not completely sure). That makes it feel conquering, when in fact he is the one conquered. Of there the game of the stripers: the one of to show a little and to hide. If you know how to be subtle with your couple the night it will be very special. Don't say the things directly as: “he/she wanted to know if you love me”, to discover that you could say: “if you could compare your love for my with some distance, which would it be?.”
You can also be subtle with the caresses. It touches your fingernails on their shoulders, it slips your hand below their chin, it lets him to speak to you a little to the hearing. The subtlety will dismantle it. It controls everything without one can give bill.
* For the view, the man is always attracted by what you go. Contrary to the woman, the man it is conquered first for that reason by what you go, you should worry a little in your appearance, but don't make of that your newspaper to live because you will bore him.

* To be direct, although most of the men don't understand many of the indirect ones that the women throw them, in this occasion the subtlety and insinuation can play to your favor to generate some intrigue and that the a conqueror sits down (although insecure).
* Flatteries, all the men love flatteries, they enjoy to increase their ego with flatteries. In this case the flatteries should not be many, because you will put it in a pedestal of the one that perhaps cannot lower it.
* Without excesses, you should not allow that the aphrodisiacs and the dinner satiate their appetite. That will remove him the desires of being the romantic of the night. You should control the situation so that it is not exceeded in to drink and to eat. You won't want a drunk and panzón when finishing the dinner.
* Birdcalls, he/she remembers that the night is special, it is not to claim anything neither to ruin her with looking for solutions. In the best in the cases you should be subtle to outline something urgent.

He/she remembers that this is alone some advice, perhaps the most vital, the important thing is to know your couple to please it. If you have other tips that can be good for a romantic night, write us here.

Tips for a better suntan

The feeding is an excellent way to get ready to receive the first sunbeams of the vacations and they are also good us to enlist our body to obtain a more intense and more durable suntan.

The Betacaroteno is a vegetable pigment that becomes vitamin when being ingested TO in the mucous of the thin intestine and stored mainly in the liver. This, in summary, facilitates the synthesis of the melanin and it favors the suntan also acting like natural filter of the ultraviolet rays.

Foods like the carrot, the parsley, the spinach, the peach, the papaya, the tomatoes, the melon and the cherries are rich in Betacaroteno, while the fish and the dry fruits protect the skin of the dehydration. If we are able to balance our feeding of vacations with foods that they include these foods, we will have more possibilities to get a good one and tan insurance.

A Healthy Hair is Insustituible

A Healthy Hair is Insustituible, it is not only the style, the products, the treatments, it is the way to take care the hair daily.

Council For the Daily Care:


The hair is very vulnerable when this wet one. It is not advisable to be brushed, combs or to pull it when this wet one, neither even with the towel.

Before drying it it squeezes the excess of water with the hands, then wrap it in a towel so that it absorbs the water.

Untangle it smoothly with a wide comb or with the fingers.

Brush you slowly the hair without pulling it a lot. It tries not to use the dryer in the temperatures but strong.

It is advisable to use several types of shampoo. Once a month it uses a shampoo cleanser that eliminates toxins and residuals of the hair. Alternating an or twice per week using different shampoo, this helps to balance the effects of the products. A shampoo that he/she helps to all the necessities of the hair doesn't exist; for that reason when alternating among several champúes you can obtain all the nutrients that your hair needs. If you have dandruff it uses an or twice a week a product to correct this problem.

If your hair is not dry, there is not necessity to put on conditioner in the roots. Use it alone in the tips. If your hair is greasy you don't use the conditioner every day. If your hair is very dry it uses conditioners that you/they don't need to be rinsed.

The only vitamin that the hair penetrates is the Pantenol (vitamin B5). it Treats that your shampoo has it.

A balanced feeding will help to maintain its hair under perfect conditions. They are harmful an excess of sugars (it substitutes the sugar refined by the honey), the fats and the fritters. On the other hand, they are healthy the yeast of beer, the caviar, the apple, the real jelly, the vegetables, the dry fruits and the cereals

To get but I shine, the best thing is to always use in the laundry a reacondicionador that he/she closes and protect the capillary cuticle.

He/she doesn't suit to wash himself the hair before tinting, because the tint doesn't notice well on the very clean hair and the hairy leather desprotegido is.

The Enemies of the Hair

He/she should take care of the fatal enemies of the hair: the sun, the environmental contamination, the humidity, and the radical changes of climate.


The summer it has arrived. And that means that we are in the perfect time for a summer romance. Are you prepared for a summer romance or are you still hibernated? Our amusing test will help you to discover it.

1. what are you wanting this summer?
. A rest in my affective dysfunction. (Punctuation = 1)
. To escape from all the weddings. (Punctuation = 2)
. To know somebody that helps me to forget. (Punctuation = 3)
. The promise of a romance that lasts beyond the summer. (Punctuation = 4)
. Air conditioning. (Punctuation = -1)

2. what tone of the summer does it describe your attitude better?
. Gray. I am sure that I will be single east summer another time. (Punctuation = 1)
. Green. He/she gives me envy people that has a relationship. (Punctuation = 2)
. Red. I am mature and I list to leave. (Punctuation = 3)
. Blanco. I am fresh as a cucumber. (Punctuation = 4)
. Can one choose the black one? (Punctuation = -1)

3. you are invited to a party of single in the beach. You:
. You will spend over there. You decide to make in front of your fear to the blazes. (Punctuation = 1)
. You decide to go. “I will go, but for sure I don't know anybody.” (Punctuation = 2)
. You go in your watchman's of the particular beach search. (Punctuation = 3)
. You rush. “The couple of my dreams can be there.” (Punctuation = 4)
. You decide to stay at home seeing The watchmen of the beach. (Punctuation = -1)

4. how drink describes your attitude better in summer?
. Alone coffee with ice. He/she makes game with my state of spirit. (Punctuation = 1)
. Limoncello. (Punctuation = 2)
. Sex on the Beach. Do I have to say something more? (Punctuation = 3)
. Muscovite dawn. I know that every day it will begin well. (Punctuation = 4)
. Liquor of bitter almond. (Punctuation = -1)

5. how would you describe your expectations of having a romance this summer?
. Fresh. It is not very probable. (Punctuation = 1)
. Temperate. It is no longer nobody with the one who to leave that it is worthwhile. (Punctuation = 2)
. Lightly hot. Sew stranger they have happened. (Punctuation = 3)
. Hot. I am prepared for a relationship, so this it can be the station in that he/she finds it. (Punctuation = 4)
. I fry as the ice. In all ways, I won't leave house. (Punctuation = -1)

Less than 0: is a station change taking place, why don't you use this like an excuse to change your attitude? Otherwise, stay in your cave, and you don't ruin us the amusement.

0-5: You are shy and insecure-and that will make him to be difficult to find even. It looks for solutions to these problems. As the trust increases in yourself, your possibilities will increase of finding the love.

6-10:Puede that your loving past has not been a success, but that doesn't mean that you cannot put an end to this unlucky gust. He/she begins thinking which are your qualities and believe a profile now.

11-15: The presage for the love this summer is good. The only question is if you are only looking for the love for this summer or so that it lasts you when the cold arrives.

16-20: You navigate under a clear sky this summer. When the love arrives, you will be prepared!

What is the method Pilates?

What is the method Pilates? It is a very complete corporal education where one works the body like an everything, from the musculature but deep until the but outlying, and in the one that as much the mind as the body intervene

In what the method Pilates is based?
This method is based on a very sure program of slow and controlled exercises. He/she is practiced with very specific machines or in the floor, under the supervision of a professional, in individual classes or in small groups. The precision of the exercises is looked for in few repetitions. The breathing, the concentration, the control, the alignment, the centración, the fluency is the other key concepts of the method.

Can he/she help us the method Pilates in what?
The objective is to get a muscular balance, reinforcing the weak muscles and lengthening the shortened muscles. This takes to increase the control, the force and the flexibility of the body, respecting the articulations and the back.

It is a method valid point for those that are introduced for the first time in the physical activity, like for those that look for the improvement of the movement (as the sportsmen of high level or scenic artists). likewise all those are included that they could suffer back problems and look for a preventive activity (Pilates is totally integrated in the rehabilitation programs in USA and UK).

Origin and history of the method Pilates
In New York from the years 20 and until their death in 1967, Joseph Pilates develops the wide repertoire of movements of its method. Although the dancers were during a time the main ones in being interested in this method in their effectiveness, J.Pilates began its work for people of the street and as rehabilitation technique and of acondicionamiento. It is only for about 6 years, and mainly in USA and UK that we attend the public's considerable current recognition.


The first thing that it is necessary to consider is when we can speak of infertilidad and it is in the following cases:

• The couples that they have trying to have children during one year and they have not gotten it. If the woman has more than 35 years, she should go to the specialist last 6 months.
• Women with anovulación, factor tubárico, endometriosis or precocious ovarian failure, independently of the age.
• Males with alterations of the seminograma.

Their frequency is variable in diverse population nuclei and latitudes, but he/she is considered that of 10 to 12% of the couples in urban populations are affected by problems of this nature. It is spoken of sterility or primary infertilidad when there have never been viable, or secondary children when they have already existed.
The reproduction and their problems are not a matter of the women, but rather they are shared by the couple: at least 40% of the causes resides in the male and 30% in both simultaneously.

Causes of sterility in the man

General •
It tires, estrés
Excess of alcohol or tobacco
Excess of sexual activity
Sexual impotence
• Of the development
Germinal Aplasia
Syndrome of Klinefelter
Endocrine •
Hiper or hipotiroidismo
Syndromes adrenogenitales
Severe diabetes
• genital Pathology
Orquitis urliana

Causes of sterility in the woman

General •
Bad nutrition
Serious anemia
Moving ("hipotalámicas")
• Of the development
Absence of uterine hipoplasia
Uterine malformations
Disgenesia gonadal
Syndrome of Kallman
Endocrine •
Hiper or hipotiroidismo
Syndromes adrenogenitales
Ovary poliquístico
• genital Pathology
Inflammation pélvica.Tuberculosis
Obstruction tubaria
Miomas. Poliposis endometrial
Cervicitis. Vaginitis

Causes of mixed sterility

• emotional Desajuste
• Errors in the sexuality
• immunologic Incompatibility

I study of the sterile couple

Most of the couples that exercise the sexuality in normal form achieve a pregnancy in the first year (80%) and others in the second year (5 additional%). For this reason, he/she usually recommends not to make studies neither specific treatments in this respect before 1 year of sterile sexual relationships. Lapsed this time will be come in the following way:

Clinical history
The doctor will be interested for:

- Confirmation of the state of individual health of each one of the couple's members (diabetes, cardiopatías, nefropatías, chronic infections, toxicomanias…)
- Antecedents and current habits of the couple in the realization of their sexual activity (not very frequent coitus, precocious ejaculation, etc).

Physical exploration of the genital apparatus
The doctor will try to discover:

- Congenital malformations or obvious anatomical problems in the woman.
- Idem in the male (varicocele, hidrocele, criptorquidia…).
- Cytology of the uterine neck (exam of Papanicolaou).
- I study of the snot endocervical. Their macroscopic and microscopic characteristics indicate if there has been or non ovulation in a given moment of the menstrual cycle.
- Espermiograma. He/she informs about the capacity fecundante of the sperm.
- Espermatobioscopia poscoito (test of Sims-Huhner) to half of the cycle: he/she informs about the capacity fecundante of the sperm and also on the receptividad of the uterine neck.

Married Infertilidad
The recurrent loss of pregnancies in a viable principle can have genetic causes of anyone of the spouses or of both, immunologic, endocrine, anatomical of the uterus, toxic, infectious or parasitic whose diagnostic and treatment yes they sometimes require attention of very high specialization, for what its study should be approached from the beginning by the specialist to avoid losses of time, frustrations or worse damages in the couple's reproductive potentiality.


Many of you will already have listened to speak of the stimulating effects that produce the substances afrodisíacas that accompany the loving act, in a more active and more pleasant sexual relationship, where the seduction of a food or a drink feeds the sexual desire.

Many of you will already have listened to speak of the stimulating effects that produce the substances afrodisíacas that accompany the loving act, in a more active and more pleasant sexual relationship, where the seduction of a food or a drink feeds the sexual desire.

All couple needs the constant stimulus of her erotic relationship through the loving game that ennobles a better mutual accompaniment in the instant of her relationships, of constant upgrade, with the purpose of waking up the libido.

The afrodisíacos is known by their power around the years, some of them are even transmitted through legends and generation anecdotes in generation.

It is already known the effect of certain plants as the one it summons it summons, or others that can be taken in same way that makes it to him with the tea.

It is also spoken of the turtle eggs, testicles of animals, oysters, ginseng roots or rhinoceros horns that help to stimulate the sexual relationship, eat likewise to that is more effective. Cooking recipes or suitable vegetables exist to prepare ahead of time before the occasion of having some encounter.

Although their effects are not completely proven, to more than a person they have given him result. And it recommends their use.

Their use doesn't only have an effect taken place by its ingestion, but rather also its preparation, search and election helps to feed the couple's fantasies, either because he/she imagines its effects ahead of time or for the game that accompanies this process.

Certain elements are chosen as afrodisíacos by their form or function, it is the case of the banana, the oysters or the testicles of bulls. In this case, their effect is more product of the fantasy that of the reality, for a question of visual association.

Anyway they don't usually have colateral effects, except for the one of not having the prospective results, since the eatable substances are not noxious.

Many people are stimulated in way of waking up their sexual desire drinking alcoholic drinks, but it is necessary to clarify that in this case it is not a substance afrodisíaca, but only of a sexual liberation, by means of an excess of alcohol and liberation of the fantasies.

We owe desmitificar since that idea that we have been introduced through the means, the alcohol it appeases the nervous centers, it doesn't stimulate them, as well as the hormones and the capacity that they are stimulated in way of achieving an erection or orgasm.

Rather, one is usually sleeping after ingesting it with that that doubtfully can be in the best in their capacity to establish a pleasant sexual relationship for both parts, since he/she meets with their diminished abilities.

Although cases of use of drugs have been known to motivate the relationship, neither they have an effect afrodisíaco, since they depress and they inhibit the hormonal operation.

Other ways exist of stimulating the sexual appetite, but no longer with character afrodisíaco, far from the fantasies that it causes the preparation of these substances and the game of taking them little by little and of at two.

It is the case of the useful testosterone supplements for this effect when first floor levels of the same one exist in the body, but always under a strict surveillance it prescribes.

The afrodisíacos can stimulate a better sexual relationship, but when the problem is desire lack, it will be necessary to revise their causes.

In all ways, who didn't he/she eat or did he/she take some of these substances at some time and did it reestablish the eroticism in their couple in an unusual way?


People have diverse appetites when speaking of sex. This depends much of the sign from the zodiac to which you/they belong. In this note we will try to classify each person according to their sign and to help him to find the ideal couple.

Those of Escorpio, Leo, Aries and Sagittarius are burning and very passionate lovers, in terms of frequency and intensity at once sexual and in the game of the love.

· Escorpio has energy, it is brutal but emotional

· Leo is burning, dramatic and very confident in if same

· Aries is sensual, rustic and very physical

· Sagittarius is experimental, sport and very direct

Equally this doesn't imply that the other signs of the zodiac are cold. It only means that the other signs cannot match them in operation and pleasure.

But what it really cares is to examine each person's letter astral singular, since there are many factors that influence in her as the position of Mars, the energy, Venus, etc. all this is vital in each letter native singular.

· Aquarius in general is intense, but too erratic for a sustained frequency.

· Pisces is too imaginative for a direct sexual confrontation.

· Taurus is magnificent in a purely physical level.

· Gemini is changing, but it can be as good as it proposes it to him

· Cancer vibrates marvelously, but he/she has to be lively and coaxed

· Virgo can be very tender but he/she complains too much

· Libra makes it with fineness and tolerance, but he/she needs of a very good company

· Capricorn is inhibited a little, but he/she has good explosions of sexual energy.

Next we count him which the ideal couple is for each sign (inside of... and outside of the bed). I/you/he/she Looks for in the following square with what sign you/he/she harmonizes more and with which not:


Being on vacation is not pretext to forget our body. In this time you recomiendamos the following diet:

Fiber cereal with milk descremada
An apple smoothie
A mint tea

An apple

A soup of vegetables
A carrot juice
Roasted nopals to the lemon
Beans of the pot
2 tortillas

Apple smoothie
A mint tea

It has dinner
Broth of vegetables
An apple juice
An apple


Now we will tell you that you sew to make and that to avoid so that the romantic night he/she doesn't throw to lose. With the men it is always necessary to have patience but when he/she enters in the atmosphere the night it can be wonderful, whenever there is love among the couple.

* It intrigues, to the men them facina the intrigue games. You can prepare the circumstances of the encounter so that the one is intrigued and not you of bill of what you have him prepared.
* To take initiative, although many men prefer to be the dominant of the situations, if you take the initiative in the conversation and in all that concerns to that romantic night you will dismantle to the “hombrezote” and once vulnerable you will be able to discover many surprises in him.
* Patience, to the any man will displease him a little (although he doesn't say it) to leave the routine thing. With the time they are a machine that is programmed and they are mad a little when some things are changed, but at the end they adapt if the new thing is better, compared with the routine that you/they take.
* Subtlety, something that goes mad to the man is the subtlety with which a woman makes him notice that you/he/she is interested in him (still when I/you/he/she is not completely sure). That makes it feel conquering, when in fact he is the one conquered. Of there the game of the stripers: the one of to show a little and to hide. If you know how to be subtle with your couple the night it will be very special. Don't say the things directly as: “he/she wanted to know if you love me”, to discover that you could say: “if you could compare your love for my with some distance, which would it be?.”
You can also be subtle with the caresses. It touches your fingernails on their shoulders, it slips your hand below their chin, it lets him to speak to you a little to the hearing. The subtlety will dismantle it. It controls everything without one can give bill.
* For the view, the man is always attracted by what you go. Contrary to the woman, the man it is conquered first for that reason by what you go, you should worry a little in your appearance, but don't make of that your newspaper to live because you will bore him.

* To be direct, although most of the men don't understand many of the indirect ones that the women throw them, in this occasion the subtlety and insinuation can play to your favor to generate some intrigue and that the a conqueror sits down (although insecure).
* Flatteries, all the men love flatteries, they enjoy to increase their ego with flatteries. In this case the flatteries should not be many, because you will put it in a pedestal of the one that perhaps cannot lower it.
* Without excesses, you should not allow that the aphrodisiacs and the dinner satiate their appetite. That will remove him the desires of being the romantic of the night. You should control the situation so that it is not exceeded in to drink and to eat. You won't want a drunk and panzón when finishing the dinner.
* Birdcalls, he/she remembers that the night is special, it is not to claim anything neither to ruin her with looking for solutions. In the best in the cases you should be subtle to outline something urgent.

He/she remembers that this is alone some advice, perhaps the most vital, the important thing is to know your couple to please it. If you have other tips that can be good for a romantic night, write us here.

Tips for romantic night

I have already said that the surprise is a good ally. You can prepare a romantic night without he or she find out, even to involve to an or two near friendships to put intrigue to the circumstance and that your couple doesn't imagine what you are scheming.
We have already said also that the women are special and that the best way to arrive to its heart is knowing them, taking them out of the routine. All coincide in that the roses and the chocolates are a very prospective gift in all romantic night. The color will depend on the character of the night and the own character of her. The quantity will also depend on it. Make coincide the number of roses with the number of appointments that you/they complete, the months that take being seen or something for the style.
There are two options for the dinner: you can make it in a luxurious restaurant or at home, with a prepared plate for you. Anyone of both has positive sides as negative.
If you go to an attractive and luxurious place you won't have a lot of privacy to act and if you are a little introverted, it would not recommend it to you. On the other hand, if you make it at home you will have a lot of freedom to say romantic sentences to the hearing or aloud.
In case you want to have dinner at home you should prepare each detail, to the minimum. To begin: the china, the glasses, the candles, the plate to have dinner and the music that will sound while they chat.
They are few the men that notice details. Although it is laughable, those that that work in marketing or public relationships, the architects, the decorators, are those that know how to observe the details. But, you should overcome to this aspect..
The males, in general, they don't usually surprise with the unexpected thing. They are less susceptible to the surprising thing, it should not surprise you if he doesn't react very impressed for the sorpesa that you prepare him. Don't recriminate him for it, you could waste the atmosphere.
Something that you should have very in bill is that the man is where more they flatter him.
The gifts are not so prospective for him and although it is not as romantic as it is expected, at the end he/she will adapt to the atmosphere because one of the man's qualities is that he/she adapts easily to the circumstances.

The surprise and the unexpected thing always plays to our favor, but we should know better our couple to please it and to devise circumstances that take us to draw romantic moments that don't fade of the memory. The most pleasing gift that we can obtain is to see our pleased couple and becoming intimate more with us.

How to improve your boyfriend's relationship with your friends

The women have a very near bond he/she made our group of friends, for that reason, when as the time passes each a he/she goes becoming independent and a relationship begins with a person, the friends miss last times and they prefer its friend to be alone again.

In occasions, also, it is complicated that the friends understand that she is happy with that person, and that obligatorily the rest of friends, they owe mantanerse to a side. But in fact, that, is the work and the honesty that he/she should differ to a good one to friend of another.

It is habitual that the friends feel mistrust, in a first moment, toward the couples of their friends because they don't want that they damage their friend, and they prefer to distrust of that person that is occupying the time and place that she occupied.

In this type of situations, it should be given and to learn for both places, so much the friend that is hurted as the friend that is with a person. On one hand, the person that a relationship begins with a person, it should continue seeing and to continue sharing moments with its friends, since he/she cannot forget that important part of its life. And on the other hand, the friend should understand that her friend only wants to be happy and that not for she will leave aside it.

When both parts understand all that, then the discords and the bad moments forget to begin to value that we have the luck to share special moments with unique people; your boyfriend and your friends and to be happy it is not necessary to do without of none of the two things.

The friends, they should share unique moments among them and they should understand that they are never competition for a boyfriend and by no means they should compete with him.

about feminism

The feminism is a movement of equality before an evident imbalance in to the current culture. In spite of everything there is who they ignore that we take centuries of macho dominant culture. For that reason today, in the mujer,reflexionamos blog about the beginnings of the feminist movement.


In Italy, for example that is of where the relating ones come more resolved of the feminism, the Gopher Donna, was the first web for the woman's administration in the environment of claiming her rights. Today we can recognize in people of recent lives to the impulsadoras of this answer current, of birdcall, of social justice. Ana María Mozzoni began, at the beginning of the unification of Italy in 1870, its fight for the woman's rights when the feminism was in diapers.

He/she was integrated to the fight of the workers in the 1892, ending up being cofundadora of the Socialist Party in the country.

They don't stop to be lights of any action or reaction the remarkable women of the history. The defense of the woman's rights sympathizes with the defense of other discriminated against social sectors and it proves of it is it its mixed militancy in several opportunities.

In Latin America a Center of studies of the woman's history exists where you reescribe the history of the women. It is worthwhile to remember, in this point, to the Beguinas.

It is a community of women that you/they lived during the Middle Ages, single, married or widows, independent or contained in more organizations, they lived free, productive and solidary. They are a relating of the freedom lived with love and respect by the rights of all human being.

The women should be in a constant fight to maintain in high the good understanding of their lists in a society that, although he/she is forgetting the past of masculine dominance little by little, it is still a lot to make.

good habits of life

Is it possible to live with not very healthy habits of life, as the sedentarismo and an unbalanced feeding? Yes, it is possible, but the consequences of these disorders are accumulative and they go leaving marks that will be translated with the time in illnesses and aging.


Five components of fundamental importance exist for the physical acondicionamiento and the good organic operation:

* Cardiovascular resistance or capacity aeróbica

* Flexibility
* Corporal composition
* It forces muscular
* Muscular resistance

These five points are key to conserve tuned the machinery that constitutes our body. The disuse of these elements leads to the aging and many times it propitiates problems of health.

Many illnesses are direct consequence of the sedentarismo. This way, for example, in some cases the problems of the heart would not appear if the person has paid bigger attention to her body by means of the practice of physical activities and an appropriate feeding. Likewise the precipitation of the aging is a facet more than a sedentary life.

Although the body begins the decline of its functions starting from the 25 years, the physical activity is able to move away this moment at the same time that he/she allows to live the last years of life without illnesses invalidantes neither chronic.

It fits to point out that in a marathon carried out in New York in 1992 that covers a journey of 42 kilometers, it arrived to the goal a 96 year-old man that had begun the aerobis-mo practice at the 63. This is a test more than enough to demonstrate that the physical activity is able to stay young and healthy.

According to a recent investigation, the exercise would produce the increase of the interleukina, a potent one stimulative of the immunologic apparatus that increases the activity of the linfocitos T and B. To the being that substance an inmunoestimulador one can deduce that its increase will activate the linfocitos production increasing with it the defenses of the organism in people that carry out physical activities.

How it affects the Flu TO in the pregnancy

The Flu TO or Swinish Flu is a variety of Flu caused by the stump H1N1 of the virus of Influenza. This stump already attacked several decades ago the human population for that that the grown-ups of 50 or 60 years were already in contaco with the virus generating antibodies. For that reason, the Flu TO it attacks, statistically, more to young people.

After declaring it world Pandemic in June for the OMS it has been classified of unstoppable. They also say from all over the world the newspapers that the vaccine won't reach for all and also that they have died more than 400 people in 137 countries and there are 90000 affected.

Who come an illness like this in numbers they say that their mortality is not much higher that the call seasonal flu, but that that if it worries it is its high one to be able to of infection and the express deterioration that the person that gets sick with a serious square of this Flu suffers.

The pregnant women, together with other groups of risk are prone to contract the flu TO to have low defenses.

The defenses in the pregnancy diminish naturally, that is to say that during the pregnancy the woman's organism is inmunodeprimido. This has a reason, the decrease of the mother's rejection for the fetus.

The drops defenses of the pregnant women make them to be infected with more graveness with this virus because their condition doesn't allow them to generate the necessary inmunoglobulinas for counterattacking the virus.

The pneumonia squares with this stump of the influenza virus are very serious, for that reason the best thing is the prevention as much as you he/she can.

The human population rarely faces a problem that she plays so of about everybody without social distinction. All know about the flu, all speak of her, in millions of homes there is alcohol for the hands and mufflers, a good example of global conscience for a lamentable pandemic.

How to recover a former boyfriend

The personal relationships, are always complex. That that for some women, it is a simple discussion, for other it is an entire drama and a reason to conclude the relationship. For that reason, because each person, he/she takes the relationships in a way and they influence him the things in a different way, before making any decision, they should be thought and a lot, the things, so that our option is the best for us.

So if you are thinking of returning with an old one even and you don't know how and if it will be the correct thing, today in woman's blog, we explain to you that attitude is to have and overalls that mentality for arroyar to the person with our decision and to go out you with yours.

If you are totally sure of wanting to return with your former novio/a, because there is thinking of the positive aspects and the negatives of the last relationship, it is moment that yourself trusts your possibilities and know that you have the decision in your hand.

It is sometimes frequent that the women don't trust our own methods and let us don't have the enough security to know what we can get what we look for, but that should change. You should know what your decision and your objective, in this case to return with your former couple, it can be gotten since there is not anything that it impedes it to you.

It is very important that in the first phase each one thinks and many in their possibilities, to know that it can achieve the final objective. In all ways, it is also necessary to get ready for a negation on the part of the other person.

We should think that the former boyfriend has maybe finished that process, so painful and expensive for him that doesn't want go by the same thing again, and he prefers not to run the risk. In all ways, the decision will depend on each person and of how he/she sits down sentimentally.

The advice that we give to all those women that are questioning how to reconquer to their former boyfriend, it is that they arm of patience and of trust in themselves.

What to make later in the first appointment and one day?

Will the love of your life be or only another intent more? You are nervous, they sweat your hands and you cannot think. Where is the genius and the spark? The best thing would be to leave of there and not to return... No!, don't escape, you should only apply yourself It is sometimes difficult to plan the first appointments. For that reason it is better to live them like an adventure, an opportunity to be with a person that, in another way, you would not know.
To pass pleasant a while with a new friend or possible couple is very positive.
You can always bet for the traditional cinema and it has dinner, for the coffee or a bar. But to make something different it can be better if you seek to know a little more to your handout In this case, he/she thinks of a place where they are not constantly off or amuse easily; both will have a better opportunity to speak and to be known mutually.

You should also take into account that one cannot wait too much of a first appointment. After everything, newly you have just known that person and they will need to be better in the daily life before proposing something more serious.

After chatting here with several friends and friends that have gone by the trance of the first appointment, we offer you their conclusions:

What to make and what not to make

He/she plans a short appointment.
It begins with an encounter of an or two hours. If the things go well, you will always be able to extend more time the appointment. There is not anything worse than to drift an entire day with that person and to realize, to the five minutes, that there is not any future with her.

Get dressed appropriately.
There is not nothing else painful that to be with which the other person took pains in her arrangement and you you don't go agreement dress with the occasion.

I know punctual.
To arrive late in the first appointment is sign of lack of respect (or of interest). Obtén in advance the address of the place of the encounter, arrives early and it demonstrates this way that you care that boy or girl that he/she got your attention.

Make fulfilled, but don't spend.
Some kind words make all person to feel special, but you don't repeat them to constantly, since you/he/she can seem that you are desperate because she pays you attention.

Don't spend with the swigs
Some drinks can help you to relax the tension, but don't drink as if you were in a party with your group of friends. If you drink too much, the most probable thing is that you become bad glass and that won't help you in your conquest intent.

He/she leaves it stops the deep conversations later on.
Don't speak in your first sex appointment, religion, politics, disappointments or personal problems. The objective is that the girl (or) you the pass well.

Don't reveal the family conflicts.
All we have them and most understands that the matters of the family also appear inevitably in the personal relationships. But don't open your heart in this respect in the first occasion. It is not the moment and it can be interpreted by your handout like sign of what is to come.

Don't exaggerate speaking of the work
Monologues on your labor situation, you complain on your boss and the sensation about being stagnated, they won't inspire trust by your ability to respond efficiently to negative situations of the life.

With the diets one doesn't joke
If you don't want to leave hit in your first appointment, he/she avoids to speak of diets or of the woman's weight that you have in front, because you could offend her. Don't make comments like "I Already see that you like to eat a lot"

Don't mention to your former one
It is completely forbidden to mention to the love that left. Comments like "my ´ex´ liked this restaurant", they won't make any grace to your companion.

Be not ahead
"Our children will have your eyes and my mouth... " Are you already distributing matrimonial applications in search of the or the best candidate? And how many children do you want? Calm (to), everything has their time.


Should you call or not? Will he have liked you? Why doesn't it sound the telephone or the cellular one?

After the first encounter, it is common that we ask ourselves those questions. Now that, if the person didn't fill the expectations, you/he/she will be necessary to look for the subtlest way to maintain it at distance. "How do I take off it of above?... " , you will wonder.

Here we offer you some proposals, if you liked him or her, or if nr.

For them
If you consider that that girl is the worthy one worthy of your love, don't doubt it: you call it. But eye, tries not to be so obvious and it allows to happen at least one day. Tell him that you passed it very well, he/she thanks their company and if you feel that she is receptive to a second exit, because "you go to the grain" and it fixes the next encounter.

Don't show you anxious. He/she listens before speaking. He/she studies their tone, their words, to know if you should advance or to wait. If you love that girl, don't allow a lot of time to pass without calling it after the first appointment. She can think that you are not interested and simply, to change channel. To send him flowers, it can be your best play.

For them
If you believe that you won't be able to survive the nerves that he doesn't call you in the following two hours, calm down. If he was so dazzled as you found that night, it won't take in marking your number.

For any reason you take the telephone. Although it can sound macho, "them" they are by nature hunters and they love the conquest. Then. for what reason to remove them the pleasure?

If two days passed, he didn't call you and you already ate up all the fingernails, an idea for "to sound the land" in a subtle way it is that you write him an attentive but casual e-mail thanking him the invitation and highlighting well the that you have passed it.

Perhaps it is what he was waiting to take the following step and to call you.

If it didn't fill your expectations
I know kind and don't close doors. Perhaps the life is giving you a beautiful friendship.

For them
If to her it passed him the same thing that to you and there is not connection some, you won't have problems. But if that is not what happened, she possibly calls you before you; tell him that you have passed a very pleasant moment and, without lying him, insinuate him that in those days you will be focused in your work, a project or a trip. She will understand the message.

However, the best thing would be to leave open the possibility to continue conversing for telephone or exchanging and-mails.

He/she remembers that well he/she says the statement: the courteous thing, doesn't remove the valiant thing.

For them
If he stayed "flasheado" with you, there is not leaf turn: he/she will call you sooner of that than you believe and, of course, he/she will invite you for a second appointment.

My advice is only one: don't accept. First, for not creating him false expectations; and second, later it will be more difficult to give it goes behind. He/she thanks the invitation and tell him that they can it turns in any other moment in the future.

Tips of beauty for the summer

The summer he/she approaches, and for this season it is necessary to shine to the maximum. With the climatic changes, the sunbeams have become more harmful and who the recent thing more it is our skin. Although we all wanted to shine a spectacular suntan, it is necessary to be careful with the noxious rays of the sun, and to protect the skin if you leave to the beach to shine your new bathroom suit.


If you worry about your skin and mainly like it is your hair after you exposed it in the sun, to the seawater or the water clorificada of the pool, don't worry, here we give you some tips of beauty to take care in the summer.

He/she takes care of your complexion of the sunbeams:

It is important to maintain moisturized the skin, not only that of the face, but also that of the whole body. For this we recommend you to use cream humectantes specifically for the face and another for the body, if you get cream humectantes with solar factor of almenos SPF 15, it will be of great help for your skin.

You can also moisten your skin with natural aloe or you cremate with the help of aloe. The aloe is a slight humectante of quick absorption that will constantly renovate your skin so that it shines healthy and moisturized. The aloe protects you of the noxious effects of the sun, he/she helps you to heal the skin stimulating the quick repair of the damaged cells, according to the place Terra.

Tips to take care of your hair in the summer:

The hair loses its shine, elasticity and he/she becomes dehydrated in the summer, for this reason take care of it with special shampoos that have vitamins to moisten the dry hair. A very useful advice is that before taking a bath in the pool, it wets your hair with clean water, this will avoid that the water is absorbed with chemical and it also protects your hair of the chlorine.

Do you go to the last fashion and don't you know what a ‘is LWD '?

That it doesn't lack in your closet a ‘Little White Dress ', the version in white of the classic ‘Little Black Dress '
Yes, the fashion goes incorporating new terms that, although they already make reference to creations existent, overnight they become an indispensable one among the followers of the last tendencies.

A new version of a classic

In the decade of the 20, Coco Chanel the denominated ‘popularized Little Black Dress ', a cocktail dress in very functional black color and bottom of perfect closet for all woman. At the moment, and although it has not lost their protagonism, they are many those that have decided to change the tonality of the ‘LBD '.

The ‘is born this way Little White Dress ', version in white of this classic that, it doesn't only triumph in the gangplanks, but rather he/she has become the ‘more ' he/she doesn't go among the famous ones. Also, it is presented from in designs fitted to other much more flowing on those that wide belts are superimposed. And do you aim yourself to this tendency?

Tips for a first appointment "date"

Have I heard many girls say “don't I know what step?, do we leave, did we go to have dinner, was he quite interested, did I spend it super well… did he/she Say that he/she call again but didn't he/she make it…” can A first appointment begin like a touching idea, especially if you find that boy with which you will come out attractive, but is it necessary to be careful Many times we make things without realizing that they can finish transforming a first promising appointment in a true disaster. Here some tips of what it is necessary to make and it is not necessary to make to not only achieve the first appointment it is perfect but rather of there they come many more.

1. - he/she prepares what you will put on in advance. It is not of it turns or too casual or too orderly, the point is to use something that goes according to the occasion.

2. - it is not good idea to go to the cinema in a first appointment. If what you want is to know it better search to meet in a coffee or a dinner where you/they can speak.

3. - you don't show yourself too desperate. There is not anything as maintaining a certain mystery halo. Still if you like a lot it lets him to be him who makes the work that looks for you that is him who proposes that they see again. Of course that you can motivate this flirting a little, it is the form of making him know that on your behalf there is also interest.

4. - you don't speak of your former one. To give a list of your bankrupt relationships will make it think that what you need is a psychologist and not a boyfriend.

5. - he/she speaks little of you and rather listen to it to him. Does your know you already not? Then he/she thinks of questions that you/they help you to know it a little better; of course that they are not too personal or that they concern their last relationships, that it is the best form of driving away anyone.

6. - if there is an uncomfortable silence that you/they are normal in an appointment, be not overwhelmed. Allow it to happen, many times a coquettish look can say more than a thousand words.

7. - there are not anything like a good conversation to make more of a good appointment something. Don't become nervous, he/she speaks of what you know. Many times to try to be well we invent things or we fake to know about things that we believe to him they interest him but we end up making the ridicule.

8. - you don't drink of more. The point of a first appointment is to know if you really make click with that person. The alcohol distorts your perceptions, and tomorrow that you see it sober you will maybe take yourself an unpleasant surprise.

9. - you don't talk on the phone or be sending messages during the appointment, because one can interpret like a lack of interest. (Now that if you are not really interested you make it to your wide ones, that will make easier to make him understand the message)

10. - I know your same one. To try to impress too much to somebody it ends up creating the contrary effect. It takes out the best thing that you have, it shows that you trust yourself and that will make it call again.

11. - all the women make a sixth sense. It is necessary to use it. I know intuitive and don't follow rules, you spontaneous because that makes you more amusing.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The new tendencies in intimate depilation

The quantity of women that you/they decide to depilate themselves beyond English's area, increases flagrantly. The integral or Brazilian depilation and the ornamental one are the new tendencies.

Integral depilation: it is also that denominated Brazilian and that it means to depilate himself completely the area of the pubis. Who lean for this modality they are the swimmers, models, dancers and gymnasts.

Ornamental depilation: it is carried out by beauticians that, according to the likes of the clienta, they can design forms sugerentes like hearts, starlets.

The integral depilation can be attempted at home in different ways. You can prove with a kitchen knife, with bands of wax or wax for microwaves.

If it is the first time that a woman English depilates himself, the advice is that he/she goes since to an aesthetics center it is a very delicate area and that it is irritated very easily.

The ideal thing is that a specialist can carry out the task that first time to see if some allergy type takes place or to observe what method he/she comes to each skin better.

After being attended by a specialist, for the next opportunities they can be tried to carry out the depilation at home without more complications and keeping in mind the following details:

* To take a lukewarm shower before since opens the pores and it facilitates the depilation.
* First to clip the body hair with a scissor to avoid the pain when depilating the area.
* If he/she has decided to use kitchen knife, the ideal thing is to use a foam of aloe vera for not irritating the skin and also that it moisturizes.
* If he/she has decided to use wax, it should be thrown of her in sense contrary to the growth of the hair.
* If he/she has decided to appeal to a maquinilla, a bolster should be chosen that is soft, special for delicate areas. He/she should spend in sense of the growth of the hair.
* After the method used for the depilation it is necessary to apply a lotion or corporal oil to moisturize the area.

The ornamental depilation is carried out, at least the first times in aesthetics centers since in the specialized centers one has more experience in to carry out different designs and to tint and they are also the so much of the last tendencies in pubic depilation.

The advantages of eliminating the intimate body hair or of clipping it in a delicate way they are, according to the women that opt for this tendency, to stop worrying of if the bathroom suit moves while you is in the beach or pool.

To shine sexy linen that before, aesthetically it was not comfortable to the vision and mainly, to surprise the couple with a new sexy aspect.

Oil anticelulítico for the shower

The cellulitis is an affection that we suffer most of the women due to an imbalance of the feminine sexual hormones. Today in day diverse methods that allow us to help to combat her, exist and this it belongs one to them.

One of the factors that is necessary to take into account to give definitive solution to this problem is the feeding.

We should remember that the flours and carbohydrates collaborate in the accumulation of liquids in the body and this is one of the main agents that cause the so hated cellulitis.

Another option to combat her is the located treatments that, helped by certain products, they achieve a notorious improvement in the circulatory system.

An effective solution is to carry out an oil for massages. To mix in a flask with dropper:

* 50cc of oil of almonds.
* 2 drops of oil lemon essential.
* 2 drops of oil lavender essential.
* 2 drops of oil essential of rosemary.

To shake and to use placing 4 or 5 drops of the mixture especially in a vegetable sponge and friccionar the area of the hips and the thighs.

It is advisable to carry out this massage every day before sleeping.

It is important to adopt a constant behavior in the care of the body supplemented with an appropriate feeding.

To avoid the fats saturated as the butter, the sausages and the meats non rashers is fundamental. Neither to think of ingesting in quantity sugar, chocolates, goodies neither pastries.

It is fundamental to maintain a high iron grade, for him which it can be opted by the fish and the vegetables, I eat likewise to maintain a rich diet in potassium, consuming dry fruits, bananas, fruits and yeast of beer.

To avoid the excess of salt, he/she will help to not retaining liquids excessively and this way to be able to combat the much more cellulitis easily.

Indispensable white shirt

Another recommended garment is a white shirt of bellboys, in cotton, not alone it is favorecedora, but he/she makes any woman to be seen and feel elegant and fresh.

Natural treatments for your hair

Still with all the advantages that he/she offers the cosmetic one, it is not necessary to forget that the old tricks are those that better they work: to intersect the tips to clean up the hair (it is indispensable a good court after the summer), to be brushed the hair a while every day and, for a brilliant hair, a good jet of cold water after each laundry.

Oil lukewarm for the hair
He/she puts on lukewarm oil on the hair, he/she covers with a plastic cap of bathroom or with a plastic bag and it is left approximately 30 minutes. Then it is rinsed and the shampoo is applied. The used oils are that of olive, of avocado, of almonds and that of wheat germ.

Aloe and Sábila
It is liquefied the center of 1 sábila leaf and 1 spoonful of oil of almonds. It is applied in the hair and it is left at least one hour. While the mask is on the hair feels rough, but when washing it he/she acquires humidity and shine.

Put 2 spoonfuls of mayonnaise and 3 spoonfuls of oil of almonds in the hair and leave it 1 hour or the whole night, it will depend on the condition of the hair. If it is very mistreated, it is dry or long, it can be used twice per week. If it is only for protection, the recommendation is once per week.

Another element within our reach that it can serve us as conditioner it is the avocado, since it is rich in vitamins TO and AND, in natural oils and in proteins. If we mix half avocado (without bone) with a spoonful of olive oil and an egg yolk, we will have a very natural conditioner. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients until getting a foamy mixture, and then we will apply it on the hair recently laundry and we will allow it to act during 15 minutes, it stops then to clarify it with abundant temperate water.

I gave good-bye to the stains of the skin

After the summer, the sun leaves its prints on the skin with male, descamación that takes on the edge of the cutaneous sensibility doesn't resign to them! A white and luminous skin is synonymous of youth and beauty. However, the hours of beach and summer sun pass invoice to your skin dehydrating it and making appear stains in your complexion.


This régime was designed by Brooke's personal dietitian Shields and it allowed the actress to lower 15 kilos in alone one month.

Together with the feeding plan it is necessary:
* to carry out exercises every day
* to drink a lot of water
* to consume little salt.

Day one

Juice of oranges and two thin slices of bread toasted with marmalade of fruits.
It cremates of vegetables (broccoli, carrots and beets) and half cup of cooked noodles.
An egg to the glass with a bread. Two small portions of cream cheese, coffee with milk descremada.
It has dinner
Half chicken breast without skin, roasted or to the microwaves, two cups of
salad with dressing and without oil.

Day two

A cup of integral cereal with grapes and half cup of milk descremada.
Half cup of soup of black porotos and a bread whistles filler with a cup of salad without oil.
A queque portion with grapes and cinnamon, a piece of cream cheese, tea or coffee.
It has dinner
Roasted fish, salad green and half cup of rice.

Day three

A portion of queque of fruits, two spoonfuls of cream cheese, tea or coffee.
A cup of vegetables (broccoli, carrots and beets) and half cup of cooked noodles.
An egg to the glass with a bread. Two small portions of cream cheese, coffee with milk descremada.
It has dinner
Half chicken breast without skin, roasted or to the microwaves, two cups of salad with dressing and without oil.

Day four

Half melon calameño, a hundred grams of fresh cheese.
A pig chop to the iron and sandwich with cheese, a thin slice of ham and a glass with juice of fruits.
A croissant, two ham slices, coffee or tea.
It has dinner
Roasted chicken and provided salad.

The exercise: The importance of being in good shape

the importance of being in good formaEstar in form improves the health, because it diminishes the risk of certain affections like the cardiac illnesses, the high arterial pressure, the diabetes and some cancer types. Also, to stay in form can help to prevent or to alleviate problems of the back, fatigue, estrés, depression... to mention only some. To make exercises regularly is also fundamental to lose the excess of weight and recover not it again.

To be a lifetime in shape
The good form physics offers many advantages, being able to help him to:

To diminish their risk of certain affections like cardiac illnesses, high arterial pressure, diabetes and some cancer types.

To control their weight.

To sleep better and to alleviate the estrés.

To increase their energy level.

But to conserve these benefits, it is necessary that you continue making exercises. So, their main goal should be to commit to be in shape for the rest of its life. Elaborate a plan of physical maintenance that you can complete, with activities that he/she enjoys. Don't be exceeded, especially when it is beginning. Increase their time of activity gradually until making at least almost 30 minutes of exercise every day.

And for what reason does it suit to be in shape?
People that are in good shape physics:


They have bigger mental sharpness and they are more productive.


They have more physical and mental energy


They manage the estrés better.


They sleep better.


They are less prone to be injured.


It gets quickly off weight and forget those kilos of more... you only need 72 hours!

The women live with the obsession off being thin, for what you/they undergo treatments and very rigorous diets during months, without obtaining the wanted results.

The time and the patience are the main elements to recover your weight; however, in occasion is we will only need three days and the desires of losing those kilos of more than so much hates.

Before beginning, we suggest you that you don't alter the foods for any reason, since this diet is based on the decomposition of the foods and it is low in calories, you can lose from two to four kilos in three days.

The diet should be taken I end up once per week, that is to say, three days of diet and the four remaining you will eat balanceadamente. It eliminates the fats and it changes the fritters for carrot, cucumber or jícama with lemon and salt. Don't extend the diet neither one day more, since you could feel very weak.

Day 1
Breakfast: ½ grapefruit, integral toasted bread or of high content in fiber with curd, 1cda of peanut butter, tea or coffee without sugar.

Eat: 2 pieces of roasted chicken or 1 big fillet of fish, 1 cup of black beans, a small apple and a ball of heleado of vanilla.

It has dinner: ½ tuna can in water, a toast, tea or coffee without sugar.

Day 2
Breakfast: 1 hard egg, ½ banana, a toast, tea or coffee without sugar.

Eat: 2 sausages, 1 cup of boiled broccoli, ½ cup of raw carrot, ½ banana or ½ cup of ice cream of vanilla, tea or coffee without sugar.

It has dinner: 1 cup of cheese cottage or panela, 5 Havanan cookies, tea or coffee without sugar.

Day 3
Breakfast: 5 Havanan cookies, 1 cup of natural yogurt, an apple, tea or coffee without sugar.

Eat: ½ tuna can in water, 1 cup of boiled vegetables (pumpkin and carrot), ½ small melon or ½ cup of ice cream of vanilla, tea or coffee.

It has dinner: 1huevo five pesetas, 1 toast, coffee or tea without sugar.

During and after the diet, he/she takes three liters of water daily, it eliminates any soda type, inclusive those that are low in calories and you can only add salt and pepper to your foods. If during the process you feel sick and very weak, immediately you should suspend the diet and to visit to your I prescribe.

It is pleasant to see you very physically, but more pleasant it is to be healthy and to feel well with oneself.