Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Many of you will already have listened to speak of the stimulating effects that produce the substances afrodisíacas that accompany the loving act, in a more active and more pleasant sexual relationship, where the seduction of a food or a drink feeds the sexual desire.

Many of you will already have listened to speak of the stimulating effects that produce the substances afrodisíacas that accompany the loving act, in a more active and more pleasant sexual relationship, where the seduction of a food or a drink feeds the sexual desire.

All couple needs the constant stimulus of her erotic relationship through the loving game that ennobles a better mutual accompaniment in the instant of her relationships, of constant upgrade, with the purpose of waking up the libido.

The afrodisíacos is known by their power around the years, some of them are even transmitted through legends and generation anecdotes in generation.

It is already known the effect of certain plants as the one it summons it summons, or others that can be taken in same way that makes it to him with the tea.

It is also spoken of the turtle eggs, testicles of animals, oysters, ginseng roots or rhinoceros horns that help to stimulate the sexual relationship, eat likewise to that is more effective. Cooking recipes or suitable vegetables exist to prepare ahead of time before the occasion of having some encounter.

Although their effects are not completely proven, to more than a person they have given him result. And it recommends their use.

Their use doesn't only have an effect taken place by its ingestion, but rather also its preparation, search and election helps to feed the couple's fantasies, either because he/she imagines its effects ahead of time or for the game that accompanies this process.

Certain elements are chosen as afrodisíacos by their form or function, it is the case of the banana, the oysters or the testicles of bulls. In this case, their effect is more product of the fantasy that of the reality, for a question of visual association.

Anyway they don't usually have colateral effects, except for the one of not having the prospective results, since the eatable substances are not noxious.

Many people are stimulated in way of waking up their sexual desire drinking alcoholic drinks, but it is necessary to clarify that in this case it is not a substance afrodisíaca, but only of a sexual liberation, by means of an excess of alcohol and liberation of the fantasies.

We owe desmitificar since that idea that we have been introduced through the means, the alcohol it appeases the nervous centers, it doesn't stimulate them, as well as the hormones and the capacity that they are stimulated in way of achieving an erection or orgasm.

Rather, one is usually sleeping after ingesting it with that that doubtfully can be in the best in their capacity to establish a pleasant sexual relationship for both parts, since he/she meets with their diminished abilities.

Although cases of use of drugs have been known to motivate the relationship, neither they have an effect afrodisíaco, since they depress and they inhibit the hormonal operation.

Other ways exist of stimulating the sexual appetite, but no longer with character afrodisíaco, far from the fantasies that it causes the preparation of these substances and the game of taking them little by little and of at two.

It is the case of the useful testosterone supplements for this effect when first floor levels of the same one exist in the body, but always under a strict surveillance it prescribes.

The afrodisíacos can stimulate a better sexual relationship, but when the problem is desire lack, it will be necessary to revise their causes.

In all ways, who didn't he/she eat or did he/she take some of these substances at some time and did it reestablish the eroticism in their couple in an unusual way?

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